Thursday, February 03, 2005

Praxis and Practice

To develop oneself, one must act.

The word praxis comes from an
1) Practical application or exercise of a branch of learning.
2) Habitual or established practice; custom.
3) Translating an idea into action
4) The performance of an action.

In other words, learning comes from doing, or tritely stated "Practice makes Perfect". Ideas become real through action. The way that we do things becomes the way that others around us, by custom or by training, do them. When we act, whether listening to a Muse, or when Meandering, we can bring life to the plans we have made. And since laughing is the best way to be living, Mirth can give us life.

Hence the name of my blog.

1 comment:

Rick Marshall said...

Dear David,

Praxis also separates living virtues from empty ideals. Values must be lived to be real. Values that are merely stated or appealed to do not change us for the better. It is when we act on our values, when we thereby make them into virtues, that we become virtuosos, living embodiments of what we hold dear.

I have wanted to write about praxis in my blog for a while, so I am delighted to see it here in yours.

Welcome to the world of blogging, my dear friend.

Yours truly,